An Irish redhead in London: June know what I mean?


It’s been a while since last I posted a “Redhead in London” blog – two months or so, to be vague – and, well, it’s fair to say a lot has happened since last we err, ‘spoke’.

This Thursday marks five whole months since I stepped on a seemingly insignificant flight to London in the hopes of discovering whether or not TV and entertainment journalism were still for me.

And what a five months it has been.

In keeping with the theme of the last seven or so months of my life, May and June haven’t been easy. In fact, I spent quite a lot of the past two months wondering whether or not my decision to stay on had been a terrible one.

That’s what homesickness and the ensuing anxiety will do to you – leave you feeling as though going home is the only option. And when things at home aren’t exactly going to plan it’s even more difficult to keep your chin up and just keep swimming.

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The Sarah I , and indeed many of my friends, knew this time last year would have curled up in a ball, packed her bags and headed home to Dublin. The Sarah I know now, however, is far better equipped to cope with stress.

And don’t worry, I hate myself for talking in the third person too. There’ll be no more of it in the near future, I promise.

This time last year I was on a beach in the south of France, getting ready to head home to a 4th of July garden party in the US Ambassador’s residence in Dublin. I had a boyfriend I’d been with for almost a quarter of my life and a four-legged friend who’d been at my side for more than half my term on the planet.

Just 12 months later both the boy and the best friend are gone and my life has changed entirely.

I live in a new city, a new country, and almost feel as though I’ve had to start from the beginning all over again, without the two constants in my life.


I’m a very small fish in a very big pond and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t more than a little terrifying – especially given how hard it is to find, never mind apply for, a staff job – but I’m completely and utterly determined to swim.

Life’s more fun when there’s a challenge or two involved anyway, don’cha think?

Between writing about everything from J.K. Rowling’s Cursed Child to the new Spider-Man for, moving to a new house at the heart of the Wimbledon tennis madness and spending far too much time playing with the cat who’s planted herself in the back garden, I’ve barely had time to read or blog.

Now that I’m settled into my lovely new home and finally getting into the swing of things I’m hoping all that will change.

So here’s to another attempting at wiping the blogging slate clean. It’s easier said than done but I’ll certainly attempt to give it a good run.

Ah, sure y’huw know what I mean.

You're ginger